Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Web 3.0: The Semantic Web Explained

Interesting Video.



Mac users, you can make your favourite Web sites look like desktop applications.

If you have sites you return to constantly, you might consider turning the site into an app!


1 km Sink Hole Appears Under a Village in Quebec

A family died in their basement while watching a hockey game.


From what I heard on Radio-Canada radio, apparently some clays have an unstable structure, when humid they can change molecular structure and suddenly go from solid to liquid.  Scary!

Le eCommerce Augmente en France

Cet article mentionned que le eCommerce commence (finalement) a prendre de l'essort en France.

Comme Canadien, j'aimerais bien trouver un site qui indexerait ou evaluerait les sites Web pour qu'on puisse savoir ou aller.

De l'exterieur, c'est pas toujours evident.


UK Chip (Crisp) Flavours

On the CNET 404 podcast some weeks ago they were not impressed by the Lays Cheeseburger-flavoured chips they can buy now in New York.

On another podcast they mentioned that in Canada we can buy Ketchup-flavoured chips.

In the UK, they have a gamut of interesting flavours, from Chutney to  Cheeseburger etc.


Not sure if you can get those outside Canada, but here we can also find Roast Chicken, Poutine, Bacon, Pork Ribs flavoured chips.

It's all about the flavouring I guess, not the chips anymore.

Oracle Technology Network Site Quirks

Oracle is updating their site all the time, but lately I have noticed a lot of links which don't lead anywhere.  Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

If you haven't tried to go to OTN lately, don't try.  Oracle isn't updating the page anymore, it's a mess.



Go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/index.html instead


But don't click on the Critical Patch Updates link...http://www.oracle.com/technology/deploy/security/alerts.htm

An error occurred while processing the request. Try refreshing your browser. If the problem persists contact the site administrator

Longevity As A Genetic Trait

Some families in certain parts of the world tend to live long lives.

Part of the reason may be genetic.


Darwin's Theory of Universal Ancestry Confirmed


Frank Frazetta dies

Frank Frazetta, the artist who painted many pop fantasy novel covers died recently.


Sad news.  His paintings depicted people full of life and energy, of inner strength.

Probably the most famous painting he did was for the Conan of Cimmeria paperback containing the Frost Giant's Daughter story.

You can see that painting here: http://frankfrazetta.org/viewimage.php?loc=snow_.jpg

The collection can be viewed from http://frankfrazetta.org/


Cross-Polination Between Canada and the US

Looks like workers who can cross borders earn more than the average in their host countries.


PHshing Attack Update

Looks like a few are causing problems for many.


Cognitive Biases -- Your brain is playing tricks on you

I am sceptical sometimes when people claim they know something because of a "gut feeling".

If gut feelings are from the body, and the body perceived through the five senses as processed by the brain, then "gut feelings" may not be as reliable as people believe they are.


Is there a difference between "gut feelings" and "intuition"?

Robert Munsch

I knew that Robert Munsch was manic-depressive, I heard him speak during a CBC program.  He explained that he grew up learning not to trust his feelings, because they led him astray:  one moment he was elated, a few hours later he was totally depressed.

Now he publicly mentioned that he had addiction problems as well.

Creative people often don't fall inside the norm, they can't be considered "average".


Another Chinese iPhone manufacturer commits suicide


Apparently, learning involves Eureka moments


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mars Edit Problem Fixed

Well, it wasn't too bad.  I just had to go back to the preferences for this blog and tell the dialog box to "autodetect settings" from the blog web site.

Everything is fine now.

First post with Mars Edit

Mars Edit is blogging software written for the Mac.

Have been using it for maybe 10 minutes to configure it, already am seeing an error that does not appear in the Help search:  RPC URL missing when I click on Refresh.

Hopefully the error will fix itself...


This is where we start